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Learning More About an Annual Wreath-Placing Event to Honor Military Veterans

A Christmas wreath on the front door is a welcome sight as the holiday season arrives. People love to have wreaths made of fresh evergreen branches, products provided by organizations like Worcester Wreath Company. This particular company gathers materials for the wreaths from its own Maine-based balsam fir forest. Their customers appreciate the high quality, which is so much different than inexpensive products that may have been sitting in warehouses for many months before being put out for sale in stores.

An Annual Wreath-Placing Program

This organization is also known for being one of the founders of the annual program wreaths across america, which places wreaths in Arlington National Cemetery and other cemeteries to honor U.S. soldiers. The program has grown dramatically in popularity since it originated in the 1990s. People respond very positively to this method of honoring, respecting and remembering those who served to protect freedom.

Attending the Events

People are free to attend any of the events they want to at no cost. This may be especially meaningful if an event is held in a cemetery where a loved one is buried, but the sense of patriotism and gratitude is strong even if that is not the case. Attending shows support for the veterans and their families, and for the U.S. Armed Forces in general.

The Effort to Honor Military Veterans

There has been a remarkable effort among Americans to honor military veterans ever since the Vietnam War ended. The country feels some group shame over how those veterans were treated. The war was so despised among U.S. residents that veterans sometimes were made to feel embarrassed and guilty for responding to their country's call for troops. Since then, expressing gratitude for the service of veterans has become paramount.

Heartfelt Appreciation

The photos of the wreaths at Arlington National Cemetery are so impressive that some individuals have expressed skepticism that the program is actually real. They've wondered whether photo-altering software was used to add wreaths to every tombstone. Fortunately, it's easy to verify that this event does take place each year, with the circles of evergreens placed to symbolize heartfelt appreciation.
